It is abnormal to hear dead silence in the nature, but I just did the last couple of days. I went to a mountain where grasses and brushes are 90% burnt down from the recent huge fire. The charcoal dark colour and the white ashes left down the valley replaces the usual winter scenery. I have been doing quite a lot of nature field recordings, so I can easily tell what sound is missing - as you can imagine, the sound of wind, the sizzles blowing through the grass, the bird chants, the insects' buzz, the branches and leaves falling, the sound of your shoes stepping onto branches and dead leaves... the area was so empty that, hikers talking from another side of the mountain miles away could easily be heard.
It was impressive, and slightly melancholic. This fire was not set up by anyone, the nature sometimes does run at its cause to keep the balance. Though seeing the burnt feathers on the ground does not make me feel comfortable, most of the grasses roots still prevail, the remaining plants are striving for survival. Viva la vie.
Interesting octopus rock and the burnt mountain top.